I realized I haven't posted about my labor and delivery for my second baby boy. So for those of you who'd like to know, here's the story:
A couple weeks before my due date I told my doctor that we were moving to American Fork that first weekend in August so I really can't wait to have the baby a week after my due date which was July 25th. So he scheduled an induction for the evening of Monday the 23rd.
I was told I'd receive a call when a bed and nurse was ready for me so I anxiously waited this call all day. At 5:30 I received that magic call and David and I were off to the hospital. Thankfully, my mom came almost a week early to help prepare for Caleb's arrival and to start packing the house, and Emily lives in Provo so she stayed the night with Jacob while mom came to the hospital to witness the birth.
We got to the delivery room and it took about an hour to get everything set up and ready to go. Apparently my temperature was slightly elevated and they were concerned about infection. They also were concerned that the baby was posterior(face side up) and they hoped he would turn around during labor. The nurse said I was already having contractions but I didn't feel them really so the doctor broke my water to help contractions move along but they really didn't do much and he started me on Pitocin. At that point I knew I should get the epidural if I was going to have one. I tell the nurse to get that going but come to find out the anesthesiologist had just started a c-section and can't leave his patients until after the delivery. So I had to wait an hour+ before he could come poke me and during that hour the contractions were getting worse and worse without any progression. That's kinda what Pitocin does--amps up the contractions, no necessarily the progress. I told David to tell my mom to come to the hospital (more for my comfort than anything else). She gets there right after I get the epidural put in, of course. So I'm totally fine at this point and now they turn up the Pitocin level to really get the labor underway. I keep turning from side to side and on my right side I'm most uncomfortable because I can feel the contractions pretty well and I was making most progress while on that side. On the left side for some reason the contractions aren't as bad or last as long. My progression went from a 2+ at 7pm to a 6 at 2am. It took 20 minutes to get from a 6 to a 10 and I was pushing about 15 minutes later. The doctor had me give 2 good pushes and one small one and Caleb was out! Born at 2:43, 9lb 1oz, 21 inches long. He was perfect. I had not a single rip or tear. He had a large amount of fluid in is lungs so they had a nurse from the NICU come up and clear his lungs and almost took him to the NICU but decided he was OK and handed him over to me for skin to skin time and to have him latch on. Once he latched he did NOT want to let go. He would cry and cry whenever they took him away from me but once he was in my arms he would quiet down and would nurse really well. From start to finish the labor and delivery took about 8.5 hrs with very little complications. I can't decide who was easier--Jacob or Caleb. I'm really blessed to have had such a good experience with both of my deliveries so far.
Tomorrow, Friday, and Monday are my last days of my 5 year career at Pinnacle Security/Devcon Security. Bittersweet. Bitter because I love the friendships I've made over the years there and have gained a lot of knowledge of the working world. The sweet part is that I didn't feel like my job there was very rewarding. It was very mundane and boring. I look forward to staying at home with my boys and finding new things to do with them. I hope to have a more fulfilling role in their lives now that I can be home with them to teach them and learn from them. I know there is a possibility of me going back to work or to school but for now I'll enjoy being a mom to a crazy 3 year old and my new born.
David and I went on a date tonight, the first one since Caleb was born. It was all thanks to Emily for watching the boys while we went to Chile's for dinner. We had fun conversation about his students and what he's taught them, namely black holes and unsolved mysteries of the universe. It was great to reconnect over the yummy triple dipper and chocolate paradise pie, our favorite.

Since having our second child I've been accepted as the stay at home parent by the boys. I've always wanted to be the stay at home mom and to be a friend and playmate to our children. I find much joy in being at home with the boys and try to make it a full time job keeping up with them and the house. I also find it exhausting and a trial on my patience. But since being home from working I find it easier to be patient with the boys and with myself. I hope to be able to venture out to the park soon with Jacob so we can have time out from the house and away from the TV. Once I have more order in the house from moving I'll concentrate on getting some preschool activities for Jacob underway.