Caleb turned 8months 3 days ago so here's an update. He's fitting in to 12month clothes now. He's proficient at crawling and it's the cutest thing to see his little bottom wiggle back and forth as he gets to were he's going. He's getting the hang of rolling around on the floor with Jacob. He officially has 4 teeth--the big ones on top came in about a week ago and it was painful. He also has the next set coming in beside his top two(incisors?). I feel like his teeth are early bloomers, typically a baby's upper middle teeth don't come in till about 10 months but his came in before he was 8months. Since his teeth have been coming in I've been giving him more solids(i.e. cereal, soft foods, bread) and he's been loving it! He's discovering new sounds he can make and makes them over and over. I love his big slobber kisses and the tight squeezes he gives when I pick him up. We gave him another nickname: Longbottom(he has an unusually long butt which results in many blowouts). A day doesn't go by that I don't find Caleb clinging to my legs. And lastly, he's started to sleep through the night! He's a good and happy little guy. :)

Discovering what's under the table, the stinker.
Caleb isn't even 7 months and he's crawling! He's been doing it for the past couple weeks. He goes from the living room to the kitchen to get to my feet and say, "Mom, *pant pant*, I made it. Pick me up."
Can you believe it, Caleb is 6 months today! All I hear from friends and family when they see him is "he's such a happy baby!" I feel I've been so blessed with happy babies. Smiles all the time, whenever I look at him, whenever dad comes home, whenever brother makes a funny sound. He's such a joy!
One of my favorite things he's been doing is hugging me whenever I pick him up. At least it's my interpretation of a hug--he burrows his little face in my neck while one of his arms clenches my shoulder and the other in my hair. Then he wants to turn out and see what's going on.
This past month he's been on the move. He discovered bouncing, he can stand in daddy's hands, he rolls front to back and back to front, scoots around backwards, gets on all fours and then on his hands and feet sometimes, rocks back and forth acting like he's gonna crawl, sitting up for a few minutes at a time, and he's gotten really good at holding toys and putting them in his mouth.
This past month he started sleeping in his crib. The transition was fairly smooth! I let Jacob sleep on the floor in my room while Caleb adjusted to his crib for a few nights. He sleeps much better in the crib than he ever did in the bassinet or play pen, waking up only once at night to eat. And now he's transitioning from 3 naps a day to 2. I'm a happy momma when we all get enough sleep!

Caleb turned 3 months on the 24th. Where does time go? He's definitely not the little infant I brought home. He's now more aware of mom and dad and brother. He loves Jacob, he smiles and laughs at him all the time. He's discovering his hands and has started to suck on them more often. He still doesn't take a pacifier well but sometimes he likes it. He is almost too big for his bouncer and it's about time we get him a jumper because he loves kicking his legs. All in all, he's healthy and growing stronger and happier every day.