Jacob had his first trip to the dentist today! He was a champ! Got all of the x-rays done and a cleaning in as well, all without tears! First pic he's checking out the dentist's tools, second pic is the cleaning, and the third pic is the doc doing her thing. Such a good boy!

Last week a friend came in to town with her son who is Jacob's age. We were lucky to get to hang out with them so much! On Wednesday we met up at the dinosaur museum and spent about 2 hrs there running through the exhibits and playing with the hands on sand and water table and the fossil dig area. Then on Thursday his friend came over for a play day so his mom could go to the temple. On Saturday we met up at the hotel to go swimming in the morning and in the evening we went to Tucanos. Jacob thinks his friend is still at the hotel and keeps asking if we can go see him and go swimming. He also thinks whenever someone is at the door it's his friend. Needless to say, he loved making a new friend and misses him. I hope we can go to Texas soon to visit them soon!

Did a "sink or float" experiment today. I told him to draw the things he saw and then made a sink or float t-chart and drew the objects in the columns they belong in. He ended up putting most of his mini trains in. Then we filled a cup with water and put some of the small things in it for an "experiment" tomorrow. He's been asking if it's frozen every 30 min or so. Yay science! :)

This is where most of Jacob's imaginative play takes place. On the floor of the kitchen. It's where Percy, James, and Toby deliver their mail and make special deliveries to Mr. Topham Hatt. It's where his trains fight and crash, then build friendships and work together to get the job done. I hope when he's older he remembers the times he spent playing on the floor thinking I wasn't listening and chuckling as he spoke out loud the stories in his head. "Come on guys! Let's go!"
Jacob is finally fully potty trained! The week before we left for our Christmas vacation he started pooping on the training potty...in the living room. It's gross, I know, but at least it wasn't in his pants(which is more gross)! He filled out his potty chart the day before we were leaving to Colorado for Christmas. So we brought the training potty with us to grandma's house and he had one accident. I told him we don't poop in our pants and the next day he went on his training potty...in the living room...at grandma's house. But it wasn't in his pants! He strutted down the stairs, underpants and pj's around his ankles, telling every sleeping person what he'd done. I told him I was proud of him and he got a treat for doing his business in the right place. But then a miracle happened. His 3yr old cousin, Sophie, came to town and he saw that she went poop on the big potty. The next day he decided he would go on the big potty too. And every day since, he has gone on the big potty like the big kids. He's come a long way and I'm so proud of him!
We are so excited for Thanksgiving and Christmas, we had to make a countdown chain! All while listening to Christmas music. It definitely lifted my spirits to think about the holidays. Can't wait! :)
We bought small pumpkins to paint for fun! Jacob loved it! He was asking to paint the second one all day yesterday but we'll save it for another day. Now we need to get big pumpkins to carve!

So it's been a long time coming with potty training. Jacob has down the peeing even thought he thinks he still needs my help. I think he just needs the positive affirmation of successfully going pee on the potty. He has yet to be consistent in going poop on the potty. He keeps going in his pants and thinks it's normal to just put the poop in the potty and get hosed off in the shower. Honestly, I've started to use cold water to hose him off. Maybe he'll decide sooner that he doesn't like that and go on the potty. He still wets the bed at night if I don't wake him up to go before I go to bed. It's been a long and tiresome process but I hope to have him fully trained before our next vacation.